
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Come to my window

I wanted to share something I did some time ago for my sister.
She saw this awesome lettered window at a street market and loved it...
but NOT the price.

So...she asked if I could make her one.
She found the window and I did the lettering.

Hand painted, thankyouverymuch!

I did cheat a little.
I printed out the words in the font we wanted to use and
taped it to the back of the window.
But I still had to wield the brush!

Then...a year or so later, she decided she needed another one.
We all have our needs.

She kind of left this one up to me.
She wanted something fun and flowered.
I don't consider myself a painter (not art-wise anyway)
but in the lavender doesn't look too bad. :)

Excuse the picture.  These, of course, hang on my sister's walls.
I asked her to send me pictures...she used her phone.
Gee, thanks.

'Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.

I have a 8-paned window sitting in the garage.
It's been there a while.
Trying to decide what to do with it...
Words...bird silhouettes?

Have you used an old window as art?
Do you love it?


Linked up here:
Ivy and Elephants


  1. you did a great job Kelly.. I think you paint very well.

  2. oh my gosh they are beautiful, the lavender is perfect.
    I do have a window that I brought home from the dump, I painted watercolor paitnings of different birds for each pane, when I grew tired of that a few years later I framed Mary Englebriet Calendar pages, when I grew tired of that I did landscape for each pane ( 9 ) that was then changed for paintings i did of wild flowers, ove 20 years it has had a varity of displays, if you don't paint calendar pages look great, but I like the look of what you did too, I think my window might be too big for that, oh I just thought of one other thing I did and I was going to blog about this, I took a piece of primed canvas and I painted our shore on the lake where we lived, it looked wonderful, of all my displays this painting was my very favorite, sorry, lonnnng comment,

  3. Oh- I love those windows. You did a wonderful job on them. They are both great!!! My daughter does a bit of window art, too- personalized with themes and names, etc. xo Diana

  4. These look amazing! I don't paint on windows, but I've done some vinyling on them, but have only done a Christmas night scene so far, lots of requests for that. I have a few windows waiting for more vinyl work.

  5. Those are great - what a neat idea. I'll be pinning it! And thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I can't wait to spend some time here exploring what other cool things you are doing!!

    Jaye @ Just Tryin' to Make Cents of it All

  6. You’re very artistic and gave justice for that old window. I did try this once for our school project. I used glitters and paper cut designs. It was actually fun because I had the chance to express myself thoroughly in that project. There are actually a lot of things you can do with windows. Windows are not only good for decorating but it also provides ventilation inside our house.
    - Sandra Ludwig

  7. I may know a little Spanish, but the way you designed those windows is so creative! I haven’t done any art on any old window before, but upon seeing those glass window panes of yours, then I’ll surely try it.
    - Sol Hendricks

  8. Do you mind sharing what kind of paints you used? I love using vinyl as "stencil" since I'm not a painter :)


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