
Friday, October 5, 2012

A Rather Non-Spooktacular Halloween Mantel

I don't usually do the whole "change your mantel every month" thing.
I've got nothing against it...I just don't bother.
I only change it at Halloween and Christmas.

And today...because I heard about this party...

This really awesome party I just KNEW I had to go to.

You see, all the cool kids were going...
everyone who was anyone...
so I wanted to go, too.

I wanted to show up and have fun and bob for apples and stay out after curfew.

But I didn't have a costume.

...or a date...

But that's okay...I decided to go anyway.

Even if I'm a little late...I always seem to be late to the party.

So late, in fact, that it was getting dark by the time
I took these pictures of my NON spooky mantel...
and other Halloween-y things in my living room.

and the subway art...
{I ordered the vinyl from Landee on Etsy and made the board myself}

My little mantel may not be Cinderella at the ball...

But it's happy in its own place.
{You can't see it much here, but the orange
Trick or Treat eye chart came from Tater Tots & Jello}

and I'm happy with it.

Of course...that's because it involves ravens.
Holding ribbons. :)

Do you change your mantel often or just at Christmas?


Sharing at this great party:


  1. I am also always late to parties! Better late than never ;) Great job on the nonspooky mantle!

  2. This turned out great! Nothing like a little blog-pressure to get us to change things up a little ;-)

  3. Very cute! I feel inspired to do something with mine...most years I just don't make time to do anything.

    I spray painted my folding chairs after being inspired by your's. Have a great day!

  4. Kelly - Very cute mantel decor. Love your subway sign and all of your other decorations.


  5. First, your mantel is so charming, and the "Trick or Treat" banner is so fun! I do change my mantel often -- usually more than just the! I know, I'm one of those wacky, crazy, decorating bloggers who changes stuff all the time!


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I love and read each and every one!
I do my best to respond to all of them...even though it may take a while...questions I try to answer right away.