
Friday, September 6, 2013

An Exciting Find For My Living Room

I am beginning to see the light at the end
of the tunnel for my living room adventure.

I know.

When we decided to leave the furniture in it's Christmas
configuration, it left an empty space on one wall.
In some pics from last year you can see
we temporarily had a bookshelf there.
But I never liked it.

We talked about building this cabinet from Ana White...
but only one section wide.

I began to realize that
that was NEVER going to happen.
We've got so many projects we need to get done...
the cabinet wasn't a priority.

So I began searching for a small dresser or chest to use in this space.

I found this one just a couple weeks ago and I am sooooo in love.
See? I was so excited I didn't even remove that little green zip strip
before I stuck some stuff on it and snapped a few pictures!

The size is so perfect for this space.

I was looking for one with the curvy front...
this one is curvy on the top and straight on the bottom.
A little different...just like me.

My plan is to paint it with some ASCP in Cream.
I'm thinking some different colored knobs.
I've seen so many awesome pieces like this painted and used this way.

I'm so excited!!!
Can you tell?
Okay, I know I'm a dork.

Anyway, stick around...hopefully soon you'll
see it in all its makeover glory.
And the whole living room -
not just corners.

In the meantime...
I must tell you...
but you have to promise not to tell...
we've started on a super secret project.
I can't wait to show it to you, but it will be a while.
Just in case somebody has the time and stops by here...
I can't spoil her surprise. 


  1. That's a gorgeous dresser Kelly!
    I'm a paintaholic and I love it just the way it is!!!

  2. You are NOT a dork and that is a GREAT piece. It is pretty natural but will be equally beautiful painted. LOVE it-it's a perfect piece! xo Diana

  3. I have a similar dresser with a mirror - I love the phrase above it!

  4. My mother just gifting me a small dresser that looks a lot like this. She would fall out if I painted it but... It's way to dark for my space. ;)

    I'm following along so I can see how your's turns out!

  5. Darling little chest. I'm sure it will be super cute when you're finished painting it.
    Mary Alice

  6. I love the style and lines of your little chest so much, it's perfect. I know you want to paint it but it would be gorgeous stained also. It has such beautiful wood grain. You were so lucky to find this. Will look forward to seeing what you do with it and how she looks when you're done. That is a perfect place for her to shine on that wall. Enjoy it for me ok? Happy week

  7. I just bought a very similar chest and I love it too. I plan on turning it onto a bathroom vanity. Can't wait too see yours painted, it will help me to decide if I should paint mine.

  8. This piece has such great bones. Glad to hear you found just the right treasure.

  9. OmGosh! I love this! Great find. You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again tomorrow at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. OMG I have the same one that I just painted recently. I love it now. I painted a creamy white along with pastel green knobs.


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