
Friday, July 25, 2014


Howdy, howdy!
I've decided to start a new random series...
No, Bruce Willis will not be making a guest appearance.
Too bad, huh?

I haven't had as much time as I'd like to work on projects...
or brain power to come up with new and fun ideas.
But I miss you guys and thought it might be fun to just share
some randomness and things I'm loving at the moment.
Maybe Most likely even some silliness.
This definitely falls under the "things in life that make me happy" heading.

Without further ado, on with the first installment:


In my office at work, there is a chalkboard.
Once upon a time it was a white board.
No one ever used I painted it with chalkboard paint and
now I have fun bringing a little happiness to our sometimes dreary days.

This is how it looks for the summer.


What I'm reading...

The 23rd alphabet mystery from Sue Grafton...W is for Wasted.
I've enjoyed sleuthing with Kinsey over the years.
Sometimes she irritates me, but I like her.
This book has been very engaging, with good character development.
I love when a book is a good read, continually moving and not necessarily easy,
but smooth reading, while still having extensive use of vocabulary.
I love words you can sink your teeth in to!

Okay, how did I not know this existed?

EZ-Freeze Cereal on the Go

A freezable gel container to keep your milk
cold so you can eat cereal at your desk?
Yes, please!

Look! It even comes with its own folding spoon!
Not that I'd use it.
My family, and several others, tease me
because I don't like to eat with plastic utensils.
I've even been called a princess because of this preference.

My husband thinks it's funny to quote this line:
I'm not a policeman, I'm a princess!
{Name that movie!}


Sara asked for one of these for her birthday.
I had a coupon and a gift card so it was a done deal.

We've been enjoying lots of fruit smoothies thanks to her birthday gift.
Bonus: she has so much fun using it, she always offers to make them!


Speaking of Sara...
We've been having a lot of fun this summer checking
out some of the 4-wheel-drive trails in Colorado.

See what a nice mom I am?
I even let her drive my Jeep.


I was hoping to get the post up for the hall bathroom makeover this week.
Alas, it was not to be.

We've been out of state with a family emergency for almost 2 weeks,
and when I went to edit my before and afters...
I realized I had quite a few in-betweens, too.
So...I'll be working on those pictures this weekend so I
can finally share my awesome new bathroom with you!

Here's a hint..and a sneak peek...we planked the walls.
I love it!

Make sure you come back and check it out!!!!

Until then...

sharing here:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I Am Today's Feature on Remodelaholic!

Guess what, peeps?!?!?!?!

My entertainment center makeover is
being featured on Remodelaholic today!

I am soooo excited I just can't stand it!
Please come by and say hello!

There are more pictures and I'll be answering questions.
Go to the post on Remodelaholic right now!!!

Pretty please?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July!
Happy fireworks and barbecue...

Today we celebrate our freedom...

Freedom to chase whatever dreams we have...
Freedom to worship in the manner we choose...
Freedom of speech, even if it bites us in the butt...
Freedom to do so many things we take for granted every day...

Remember freedom isn't free...
and we need to remember we live in the greatest country on Earth.
All because of people who were willing to fight for what they believed in.
Never stop dreaming.

Freedom isn't free, but salvation is.
More important than political freedom is spiritual freedom.
Our forefathers brought forth onto this continent a great nation,
but our Heavenly Father has made a place for us in His kingdom...
we just have to accept it.

We spent our morning watching the Greeley Stampede Parade...
I'd bet you don't have longhorns in your local parade...

Have a safe and happy holiday!
And don't forget...

It takes a really long time for eyebrows to grow back!

sharing here: